Play Too Fast Series – 12 Bidding Situations
If you get all of these right, I will look forward to reading your articles in future issues of the Bulletin. In all cases, no one is vulnerable. You are West. What is your bid in each bidding situation?
If you get all of these right, I will look forward to reading your articles in future issues of the Bulletin. In all cases, no one is vulnerable. You are West. What is your bid in each bidding situation?
Assuming you are playing matchpoints, what should West bid now? In an effort to help your decision, here are five possible hand for your partner to have.
Where did South go wrong? Or was four spades just unmakable?
No one is vulnerable. There are two passes and your partner opens one spade in third seat. The next player passes and it is back to you. What is your plan?
How did this happen? Did one of us bid hearts along the way to discourage a heart lead?
How should South handle this situation?
Both South and North had choices in the auction. South had to choose between one notrump and a raise to two diamonds. South should not be too quick to bid notrump. Many players overlook raising a minor suit and often pay a price for it.
12 Easy, 12 Medium and 12 Difficult questions to test your bridge knowledge. How well did you do?
Every now and then you get a hand that is too enormous to open two or three notrump.