My Life With Bridge
I’ve written thirty books and thousands of articles on bridge. This in itself has been a challenge. First, I have to learn what I’m talking about. Then I have to put it into words — that is the easy part.
This book is, for me, a totally new adventure. It’s got bridge. It includes a lot of advice. Some system suggestions, strong ones in many cases. And a lot of hands.
But the bulk of the book is made up of stories that were created as a result of my being in the bridge world. Some of them may seem unlikely, but I promise that all of them are true. In the sixty-four years since I joined the ACBL, I’ve been privileged to meet a wide range of people. Everyone has a story to tell, and I have heard a lot of them. I’ve met movie stars, titans in the world of business, sports stars, other writers. And I’ve conversed with a range of people on various topics.
This book is to enjoy as much as it is to improve your bridge.
Mike Lawrence
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Master Point Press
My Life with Bridge
By: Mike Lawrence
US$29.95 + Postage eBook $20.99